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about us:

                           Hello all, I want to welcome you all to the website. 



    MidwestPRS is a group of women that have been researching the paranormal for going on 10 yrs+.  We as a group enjoy spending time in the spiritual aspects of the world around us. Most people  believe that there are things out there that can not be explained. We are here to get the infomation  that can help you do that. All evidence we might capture is gone over and researched to the point  where we are comfortable sharing it with the you.  As we capture evidence if it can be debunked or  explained as natural is not presented as paranormal. No matter what we capture it will be given but  with the explanation of what it is or how it was done.   

   Our experience as both individuals and a group have lead us to wanting to help others that are  having  or going  through the same experiances as we have and still do.  If you need help finding the  answers  to the constant happenings inside your home that you cannot explain, we are here to look  for the  answers.  Our goal in this field of research is to help you find the answers to the  unexplainable  activity that you are experiencing in  your life.  


 We don't charge for our services and  are non profit. 

Contact Us:

Tel: 573-644-2706

Tel: 573-644-2708

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